Saturday, January 9, 2010

Science Project: The Re-ignition

As I am typing this, I've already assumed that you're stupid -- and it's okay. My name is Bill Eastwood and I'm here to make you smarter then you were two minutes ago. You only get smarter by learning so I've thought up this little projects for you bozo's. This project is for couples only -- but it's most likely that the female will be more eager to attempt this experiment than the male. You won't need anything for this experiment except for a camcorder and each other. I will repeat that once again -- camcorder! Because this experiment needs video documentation. So lets begin shall we.

Experiment: The RE-ignition

Step 1: Wait for a moment when you and your mate are enjoying yourselves. You know, watching television, microwaving the cat, sex sounds, doing vigilante stuff, microwaving the cat... stuff of that nature.

Step 2: At the moment of pure joy bring up an old forgotten topic. Make sure thes topic you bring up is something that you both once argued in the past. Make sure it was a subject that you both had argued about so savagely, that it almost reached the point of bed burning and/or random acts of violence towards the cat. Just bring up this subject once again, and make sure you both argue about it!

Step 3: Film this and upload this video online for the world to see.

This is an easy one for you lot. So get to experimenting future scientist of science!

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